carousing canadienne

bonjour mes amis! this is where you can get the low-down of my trials, tribulations, and tremendous tails from across the pond.

14 August 2002

i can't believe that i've not been updating this thing for nearly 2 weeks! i apologize...but i have not had an opportunity to use a computer in almost that long as well. i am going to start with the days following my last entry and work up to the present...though i am really tired, so i might not get it all down tonight! here goes nothing:

so i made it to the beach for some more tanning, but i didn't last long. i started to roast a little too rapidly and needed to head for the shower and some shade. the bus driver told me that i couldn't ride the bus, and when i got confused he pointed to the lobster in a red circle with a line through it....oh man, my butt tan line is still going strong 2 weeks later amidst rain and cold weather! friday night was basic chill time while britt and i cheesed with the hotel owner and his cute french nephew. despite the fact i had intended to hit the hay early, they managed to talk us into hitting an irish pub with them for a few drinks. it was such a laugh since they spoke mostly french and we didn't!

saturday was one for the books...i woke at 6:30am and was on my way to the station by 7 to catch a train to paris, then switching stations to get to lilles and then onto the eurostar to take a trip under the channel to london. the ride to paris was nice, i dozed off just a bit and woke up when there was a noise or a sudden all know the type of sleep i'm talking about, the one where you start to nod off during a school lecture and the teacher calls on you to answer a question...suddenly you jerk back to reality trying to get a grasp of what's going on. that was me and i giggled every time i did it b/c i was remembering good old mr McCracken back in history class, if he caught you, 250 word essay on why you love his class, or why history is your favourite subject. okay, back to my paris i was waiting for my train thinking about how funny it would be if someone tried to steal my bag, b/c it's so freakin' heavy they'd probably throw out their back trying to pick it up. just then some kid snatched a lady's purse and started to run off with it. well, i couldn't let that happen so i stuck my foot out and tripped the chump. as he was falling i said some of the nastiest french phrases i could think of and when he landed i grabbed him by the collar and told him to give the lady back her purse. i asked him if he'd taken it in order to get some money for lunch and if perhaps i could offer him a knuckle sandwich to go instead...he declined, though i think it's b/c he didn't understand my english sarcasm. security came and took him somewhere--who knows, who cares--the lady got her bag back and that's all that mattered. i caught the thief, then my train and i was off to lilles. i had nearly three hours to kill before the ride to london, but it was crappy weather so i decided to chill in the station and do some people watching.

***time out, i'm tired and need sleep. it's 1:20 am and i'm to be up by 7--ahhh! i'll write more tomorrow, until then i hope this holds you over. if you still check this that is!***